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How I made ZSH load 10 times faster

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For a while now, my ZSH shell would take at least 10 seconds to open, after a while of trying to find the source of this problem. I found it, and I hate myself for it.

The Problem

Every start up of a zsh shell would take 10 seconds including in TMUX, and iTerm2. I am sure I have spent over 5 minues total waiting on a black screen for a new shell to open.

The Fix

After a while of this I tried to switch to FISH, to start with this I looked in my .zshrc config, in that file it executes zprofile and in my .zprofile is over 3,000 lines of

eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Remove this was easy thanks to Neovim. I just wrote one Regex and it was gone, my .zprofile now only has one

eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

and will not be getting any more.

Thanks for reading.